Molecular and Regenerative Medicine
Medicina Molecolare e Rigenerativa
Modena-Reggio Emilia
Course Coordinator & Office of Graduate Studies
Rossella Ginevra
Students' Office
Thematic Areas
This PhD course covers both basic and preclinical research in molecular medicine and regenerative medicine. The program is based on a network of research laboratories at the University of Modena that participate in formal training to prepare students for careers in basic research, clinical diagnosis, industrial research, and teaching. The program is truly interdisciplinary. Graduate students will have the opportunity to develop a solid background in genetics, cellular biology, regenerative medicine and bioinformatics. As such, the program aims at enrolling not only students with masters in biology or biotechnology, but also engineers students interested in biological problems and medical doctors who want to complement their clinical knowledge with training in methodological as well as technological aspects of experimental research.

Research areas

1. Molecular Medicine:
a. Animal and cellular models of diseases;
b. Gene expression regulatory mechanisms;
c. Molecular pathophysiology and diagnostics;
d. Bioinformatics;
e. Statistics in Medicine.

2. Adult stem cell biology and regenerative medicine:
a. Experimental oncology;
b. Pathology;
c. Novel therapeutic approaches in Molecular Medicine;
d. Tissue engineering

Selection & Admission
Ideal candidates should preferably be young applicants with an excellent educational track, a strong commitment to developing as independent research investigator and good knowledge of the English language. Publications demonstrating an active involvement of the candidate’s research are highly appreciated, but not required. Admission to the program is a two‐step process. Candidates must submit a complete CV, a short description of their research activities, a statement describing their broad research interests and, possibly, reference letters from academic referees. Top ranking applicants will be invited for an interview. This interview assesses the candidate’s motivation and commitment to scientific research as well as their general knowledge of the most relevant issues in the field. Knowledge of the English language is evaluated.
Students' Monitoring
Progress within the thesis research is carefully monitored to ensure a productive scientific and professional outcome by the end of the Program. At the end of each year, students will present a progress report to their committee. This committee will include two members of the Board of Teachers (chosen among the experts in the student’s field of research) and their supervisor. The committee will assess their progress and the student will receive suggestions on the best way to continue. The committee will also monitor the student’s progress throughout the entire period of Doctorate.
Students’attendance to school classes is also monitored and proficiency evaluated.
Training & Education
Residential courses dealing with broad topics in the thematic areas of the program are organized by participating investigators. Seven Courses, organized during the first year are held in 3-4 week intervals. Each course will consist of formal lectures by staff members and invited guests, as well as interactive tutorial activities in the form of journal clubs, etc. During the second year more specific courses are offered on bioinformatics, animal housing and training in preparing a fellowship application.
During the first six months PhD students can rotate in two/three participating laboratories in order to choose the laboratory for their research training.
Doctoral Thesis
The culmination of the Program is the submission of a written doctoral thesis in the English language, which is evaluated through a pre-exam session with an external reviewer and then presented in a public lecture attended by a Commission nominated by the Chancellor of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The Commission includes one member of the Board of Teachers and two external reviewers. A successful thesis defense is required to obtain the “Dottore di Ricerca” title by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Publication of the experimental work carried out during the Program or, at least, submission of a manuscript concerning such work is encouraged prior to the discussion of the doctoral thesis. The PhD dissertation should allow the examiners to determine whether the candidate has met the above requirements.
Students entering the program will be offered a three year institutional fellowship, either provided by the Ministry of Education and Research or, whenever available, by the supervisor.
Short-term accommodations is provided in a residential building owned by the University. Long-term accommodations is granted by the University. only to Foreign students